Thursday, November 23, 2006

• The world meat supply would increase by 6.5 times if ranches switched from cattle to emu using the same acreage.

• Ingens Dionaea Muscipula, an ancestor of the Venus Flytrap that dates back 13 million years was the largest known carnivorous plant on earth. It was big enough to digest a six foot tall man.

• Overall, roosters only represent 3 percent of animals portrayed artistically. They are however, the most likely animal to be artistically depicted in an American kitchen, beating out pigs by a narrow margin.

• Due to a loophole in federal law, Minnesota is required to provide "ret. vet." license plates to retired veterinarians.

• Scientists at Texas A & M University who accidentally genetically engineered a flying chicken in 2005, were required by the department of agriculture to destroy the experiment notes but were allowed to keep the chick, who is named "Flighty".