Thursday, November 23, 2006

• While "Black Friday" is not the busiest shopping day of the year in terms of the value of goods sold, it is for the number of items sold.

• On November 22, the New York City Council unanimously passed a resolution to close the hunting loophole and keep hunting illegal year-round within city limits. The council promised a full investigation into how the error was made and escaped notice for the past 2 years until discovered by the researchers at Gullible.Info.

• Plans to build a blizzard safety hut for climbers near the peak of Alaska's Mt. Denali had to be abandoned because it could not be made wheelchair-accessible, as required by law.

• A nearly unanimous 33 out of 35 incarcerated child molesters surveyed believe that there can be no rehabilitation and that life in prison is an appropriate punishment for a first offense.

• In a survey of elementary school children by Weekly Reader, seven in ten said their mom was the prettiest woman in the world, and most of the remainder chose their teacher.