Monday, January 29, 2007


The State has assumed as one of its duties the education of children. Parents are coerced into surrendering their precious babes to the vile institutions we call "schools" which are little more than government brainwashing and daycare facilities. The sole purpose of schools is control the minds of children and subjugate them to the will of the State both physically and mentally. Via this two methods (physical and mental subjugation), fear is instilled into the child, preparing him to be a "functioning" member of "society".

In order to instill physical fear, the State subjects children to dominating authority figures who are given complete freedom to physically harass children. Children are routinely beaten and slapped when they fail to acknowledge the "power" of knowledge, or fail to demonstrate basic command of (among other things) colors, sounds, singing, reading, letters, toys, and obedience to agents of the State such as teachers and supervisors. Agents of the state corral children into rooms such as classrooms, cafeterias, and auditoriums. Those who feel the urge to leave are physically restrained from doing so by administrative agents. It is clearly seen that the State's goal is not to instill the values of freedom, but rather to reinforce Its own Power via a literal physical force. The child's long-term mentality is thus affected.

Although the child will not immediately associate his rightfully hated overseers with the State government, he will come to accept figures who fiat their own authority as having the right to physically coerce others into accepting that authority without any meaningful resistance either via personal action or self-regulating action of the bureaucratic system. Furthermore, he will accept his role as a taker of orders from the State, which the State will invariably use to impose more physical punishment on Its stolen children (let us remember that every teacher is a product of the education system). Few parents ever realize the damage done by seemingly harmless and well-intentioned caretakers, whose roles as agents of the State they themselves may only be vaguely be aware of, if at all.

Not only does the State physically coerce the children under its dominion, but it entices them into virtual mental slavery as well. A prime example of this is the teaching of language in schools. Because language defines thought, and schools teach language to those whose command thereof is just beginning to develop, schools are directly controlling the minds of children. The alphabet is used to limit scope of thoughts. By only teaching the standard 26-letter alphabet, schools prevent children from understanding ideas written in Arabic, Cyrillic, Thai, or any one of the other thousands of languages and scripts around the world. Since the State is in control of all English-language and alphabet publications, it is as if it has tricked a mole coming out of the ground in an open plain for the first time that it must crawl into the mouth of a snake. The mole, knowing no better, crawls directly into the belly of the python. And while it may be warm and safe for a while in the snake's belly, the mole will soon come to see that its fate lies in being slowly dissolved by the snake's stomach acid and being crushed in a world of darkness by its vile, reptilian ribs.

Playground equipment also furthers the Statist mindset. By having successive levels, playground structures reinforce the notion of a hierarchal society to its youngest and most vulnerable clients. Is it any wonder that the American flag is always flown at the top of play structures? Indeed, placing 50 stars on flags at school has even convinced the past 3 generations' worth of children that Hawaii and Alaska are actually states, when in fact their purchase was never even ratified! How fitting, then, that that most pledged piece of cloth should serve to disseminate any lie the State should see fit to keep its stock of population in check and under control.

There are those who would question the validity of such an outburst and the uncovering of the real truth behind the lies of school and language in our society. Although they are not agents of the State, they might as well be, for they fail to see where such policies lead. They lead to the poisoning of our very souls, the damnation of all that is good and wholesome, and the destruction of the moral fabric that has though ripped, torn, and shredded in a thousand places, thus far managed to hold together this great society. We teeter on the brink of the ripping of this moral fabric, and what lies below for the infant of our civilization is unimaginable chaos, destruction, immorality, death, and ultimate doom.

Allowing the State's evil to continue unabated will undoubtedly lead to 50 out of every 100 children (male and female) being raped on live television for entertainment. It has been shown empirically that the State's policies lead to disrespect for children, and the collapse of society will be heralded by the most heinous abuses of their personage. Acceptable public spectacles will come to include throwing fellow criminal citizens into large, festively decorated meat grinders and betting on the torque required to chop their bodies into a bloody pulp which will then be sprayed over bystanders in a celebratory fashion much like confetti at a Mardi Gras parade. This sick society of hatred and death will satisfy its lust by destroying the peoples of other nations: Canada, Mexico, Afghanistan, Iran, Iraq, North and South Korea, Italy, Germany, and Russia, especially (complex cultural ties dictate these selections). Bloodthirsty bands of Statist American "patriots" will roam the globe, capturing foreign citizens and shipping them back to the United States in a situation sickeningly similar to the slave trade of centuries past. All will suffer torture and death at the hands of the State for reasons cultural and political.

Once the ravenous Statist society has consumed the populaces of the rest of the planet, it will turn on itself in a crazed cannibalistic rage, its culture reduced to a primitive game of survival bound together by animist rituals and bloody sacrifice. Soon, even non-criminal citizens will find themselves the target of manic ceremonies presided over by politicians who will by now have evolved to fill the role of village shaman, wrinkled old men chanting nonsense over smoky fire while ingesting massive amounts of drugs. Their incoherent ranting will invariably interpreted as a death sentence for he unfortunate enough to be caught in the sadistic games of his fellows.

He will be bound by his hands and feet over a bed of hot coals. He will be dragged by his genitals with great force until they have been removed, the last sinewy tissues dangling from his crotch serving as pitiful reminders of the once proud manhood that resided in that location. Should he pass unconscious, he will be stimulated with advanced drugs so that the ritual may resume. His eyelids and tongue will be removed with hot tongs and the burned flesh inserted in his nostrils and ear canals. He will be put into a bathtub filled with fecal matter, urine, and the decaying remains of other humans. Any part of him emerging above the surface of the horrible concoction will have scorpions dropped on it. The noxious stew will then be heated from beneath by a fire fueled by the hair ripped from the scalps of young children. At the last possible instant before death becomes certain, he will be dumped out of his wretched container. Mobs of deranged "people" will rip his fingernails out, gouge out his eyeballs, and beat him mercilessly with blunt clubs until every bone in his body has been broken. He will then be skullfucked until death's sweet kiss relieves him of his misery.